Certainly! While we strive to provide accurate representations through our product images, please be aware that some of our items are handmade. This uniqueness adds character, and while your product may not look identical to the picture, it will certainly reflect the same quality and craftsmanship.
Additionally, for items with stock photos, there may be slight variations. We're committed to transparency, and any such information is highlighted in the product description. If you ever have questions or concerns, our customer support team is here to assist you. Your satisfaction is our priority!
A receipt of the purchase should be emailed to you. In case the email is not available, receipt of purchases should be available in your purchase history under your account.
We're here to make sure you love your purchase! While items are non-returnable and non-refundable, if you run into any hiccup with your order, don't hesitate to reach out to our amazing support team at We're always happy to help! 🐷✨
While most items, like our beloved handmade candles, will consistently be available for restock, it's important to note that certain items, particularly some machinery, may take a bit longer to restock or could be one-of-a-kind treasures. The restocking process for these unique items might come as a delightful surprise. Rest assured, we're always working to bring back your favorite products, and we'll keep you in the loop about any unexpected restocks!